How do I reinstall doubleTwist AirSync without being charged again?
Guide to Podcasts on doubleTwist Music Player (Older Version 2)
How do I quit doubleTwist Music Player?
I turned off "Use headset controls" in Settings, why is doubleTwist still being used as the default headset control?
Guide to Music Lover on Android
How do I add to the Up Next play queue?
Quick reference guide to Now Playing
How to restore missing playlists
Guide to doubleTwist Music Player Settings on Android
How to add to or create a Playlist in doubleTwist Music Player
How do I reinstall Music Lover, Podcasts, or doubleTwist Pro without being charged again?
How do I share music I'm currently listening to in doubleTwist Music Player via Facebook or Twitter?
How does doubleTwist Music Player group tracks from compilation albums?
How do I get rid of duplicates in the doubleTwist Music Player library database?
Google Play Store Download Issues
How does doubleTwist Music Player handle album artwork?
Can doubleTwist Music Player import from Google Play Music?
How does doubleTwist Music Player locate music files?
Backing up and restoring playlists in doubleTwist Music Player
How to restore missing playlists (on Android 4.4 KitKat with SD Card)
Guide to doubleTwist Pro v3 and Upgrading